Careers - Meet Our Freelance Editors

Here, you can see some of the testimonials from our current freelance editors—
English Editing
PSE102, United States of America

Having edited scientific papers for Enago for more than eight years, my experience is based on my

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English Editing
MB1319, United States of America

Having worked for several English language editing services, I can hones

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English Editing
PSE1257, United States of America

I have been working as a freelance editor for several years as a means f

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English Editing
MB1359, United States of America

I contacted a representative

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English Editing
BH1613, United States of America

I approached Enago to inquire about working as a freelance editor and wa

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English Editing
MB1525, United States of America

I have been exceedingly impressed with the level of professionalism at E

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English Editing
MB1491, United States of America

I have been working as an ed

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English Editing
MB1721, United States of America

I’ve been a freelance editor with Enago for almost a year. The application process for freelance

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English Editing
BH360, United Kingdom

I was initially contacted by a representative from Enago via LinkedIn. S

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English Editing
MB1645, United Kingdom

I began to work for Enago when their recruitment team contacted me on Li

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English Editing
PSE1549, United Kingdom

As an academician, I have gained many years of academic editing experien

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English Editing
MB1362, New Zealand

I discovered ENAGO while researching international companies that hired

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English Editing
MB1641, Netherlands

I have enjoyed working with Enago as a editor over the years. I apprecia

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English Editing
PSE986, Italy

The Enago editing team is always extremely helpful and rapidly responsive. Since you can select t

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English Editing
PSE1662, France

I applied to Enago by sending a spontaneous application. When replying,

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English Editing
BH1353, Chile

I had already been doing fre

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English Editing
MB1700, Australia

Since being approached by Enago to join their editorial team, they have

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