Enago Expands its Author Workshop Initiative to China

Beijing, China: In December, Enago expanded its very successful author workshop initiative to China for researchers at the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI), Beijing. The sessions were focused on introducing researchers to the challenges in getting published in international journals with specific reasons for journal rejection. During the session, several tips were shared on preparing impactful papers to avoid journal rejection as well as how you should constructively respond to reviewer comments.

kritioneThe session was conducted by Dr. Richard de Grijs, Professor at Peking University and Kavli Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics (KIAA), who is a distinguished publishing expert with a diverse academic career spanning over 20 years. The session was followed by an extensive Q&A session to assist researchers and provide solutions to the challenges they face in ensuring that their papers gets published in an authoritative journal.

China-Workshop_1On behalf of RADI, Yang Shuo, Education Director, said, “It is important for all the researchers to know the challenges faced in international publication. The workshop was very informative and interactive where our researchers were able to address their concerns related to journal rejection and get deep insights from Enago’s expert Speaker. We are very happy that Enago is helping to bridge this gap by hosting such academic workshops and look forward for a long term relationship to organize more interactive sessions to assist CAS researchers.”

Regarding the workshop, Mr. Jake Cheung, Crimson Interactive China said, “It has been a great pleasure to assist early stage researchers of RADI to deal with journal rejection and help overcome such barriers through Enago’s author workshop initiative. We, at Enago, endeavor to continue assisting and disseminating knowledge on the latest trends in academic publishing to CAS researchers”.

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