Interpreting China’s Legal System

Authors : Lin Li (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China)

Publisher : World Scientific

ISBN : 978-981-3231-30-6

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This book systematically and concisely expounds the construction process of China's legal system since China's reform and opening-up. Chapter 1 defines the legal system in China and describes the development of China's legal system from 1949 to 1978. Chapter 2 introduces China's legislative system, including its historical development, division of legislative functions and power, and legislative procedures. Chapter 3 compares the differences between the law systems of other countries and China's law system and how other law systems in the world influences the law system in China. Chapter 4 studies China's constitutional law system, including its historical development, forms of law and enforcement of the constitution. Chapter 5 introduces China's administrative legal system, including main principles, administrative legislation and administrative compensation. Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9 describe China's civil and commercial legal system, China's economic legal system, China's social legal system and China's criminal legal system respectively. Chapter 10 introduces China's legal system in litigation and non-litigation procedure in terms of criminal, civil, administrative and non-litigation procedures. Chapter 11 analyses the legal system in the special administrative regions in China and its relationship with China's legal system. The last chapter, Chapter 12 studies the relationship between the international law and China's domestic law system.
Li Lin has obtained his PhD in Law and is an Academician of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). He is also the Director and Researcher of the Institute of Law of CASS, Vice President of China Law Society, Vice Director of the Academic Board of China Law Society, Executive Vice President of the China Jurisprudence Research Association. Li's main research fields are jurisprudence, constitution, rule of law and the theory of human rights. His main Chinese works include Ideas and Act of Legal System, Legal System Construction and Political System Reform, Theory and Institutions of Legislation, Exploration of Human Rights, Law-based Governance of China and Construction of Legal System, Law-based Governance of China and Deepening Judicial System Reform.
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