Time-Aware Conversion Prediction for E-Commerce

Authors : Wendi Ji (East China Normal University, China), Xiaoling Wang (East China Normal University, China), Aoying Zhou (East China Normal University, China)

Publisher : World Scientific

ISBN : 978-981-3224-70-4

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This unique compendium provides a novel research on how time influences the conversions of advertising and product recommendation in E-commerce. It proposes time-aware conversion prediction models to solve the problem — what products should be recommended for a given period to maximize conversion? The volume also presents a series of researches on how to build data-driven attribution models to allocate the time-sensitive contribution of advertisements to the conversion. This must-have reference text will be invaluable for researchers, professionals, academics and graduate students keen in databases and artificial intelligence.
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Buy this book, https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/10565, 13575, false


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