Mathematical Olympiad in China (2011–2014): Problems and Solutions
Authors : Bin Xiong (East China Normal University, China), Peng Yee Lee (NTU, Singapore)
Publisher : World Scientific
ISBN : 978-981-3143-74-6 (Hardcover), 978-981-3142-93-0 (Softcover)
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"The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is a very important competition for high school students. China has taken part in the IMO 31 times since 1985 and has won the top ranking for countries 19 times, with a multitude of gold medals for individual students. The six students China has sent every year were selected from 60 students among approximately 300 students who took part in the annual China Mathematical Competition during the winter months.
This book includes the problems and solutions of the most important mathematical competitions from 2010 to 2014 in China, such as China Mathematical Competition, China Mathematical Olympiad, China Girls' Mathematical Olympiad. These problems are almost exclusively created by the experts who are engaged in mathematical competition teaching and researching. Some of the solutions are from national training team and national team members, their wonderful solutions being the feature of this book. This book is useful to mathematics fans, middle school students engaged in mathematical competition, coaches in mathematics teaching and teachers setting up math elective courses."
This book includes the problems and solutions of the most important mathematical competitions from 2010 to 2014 in China, such as China Mathematical Competition, China Mathematical Olympiad, China Girls' Mathematical Olympiad. These problems are almost exclusively created by the experts who are engaged in mathematical competition teaching and researching. Some of the solutions are from national training team and national team members, their wonderful solutions being the feature of this book. This book is useful to mathematics fans, middle school students engaged in mathematical competition, coaches in mathematics teaching and teachers setting up math elective courses."
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