Green Development of Asia-Pacific Cities: Building Better Cities Towards 2030

Asia-Pacific City, Green Development, 2030

Authors : Zheng Zhao (Development Research Center of the State Council, PRC, China)

Publisher : World Scientific

ISBN : 978-981-3236-81-3

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The book evaluates and analyses the level of green development in over 100 major cities in Asia Pacific. A quantitative analysis of the relationship with economic growth, income distribution, innovation capabilities, service sector, governance levels, and city clusters are accumulated and presented in the form of a new index; the Urban Green Development Index (UGDI). Amongst the cities discussed in the case studies are Penang (Malaysia), Singapore, Vladivostok (Russia), Portland (USA), Hamburg (Germany), and Stockholm (Sweden).
Zheng ZHAO is a researcher in Development Research Center of the State Council of PRC and a Vice President at Capital Institute of Science and Technology Development Strategy. He studies region and urban development. He is a China expert on the Global Outlook Project, a China expert on the China–EU Policy Dialogue Project, a standing member of Discipline Construction Committee of China Urban Economics Association, a guest researcher at the Urban and Competitiveness Research Center of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and a guest researcher at the Tourism Research Center of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He acquired his Ph.D. in Economics from Beijing Normal University and has served as Associate Professor in Economics for 8 years. He also held the position of Vice President of Asia-Pacific Green Development Research Center of Beijing Normal University.

He has published several books as author and chief editor such as Green Development and Green Finance: Theory, Policy and Cases, China City Marketing Development Report, China's Urbanization and Financial Support, Industrial Upgrading and National Competitive Advantage, Beijing Urban Industrial System Selection Research. And he participated in the preparation of more than 10 research reports, such as China's Urban Competitiveness Report, China's Market Economic Development Report and China Green Development Index Report.
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