A Comprehensive Series on Mastering Academic Writing & Publishing

  • Best practices for using AI tools in academic writing
  • Benefits and limitations of AI tools
  • Tips for avoiding journal rejection
  • Tips for successful manuscript submission

About the Speaker

Dr. Krishna Kumar Venkitachalam

Innovation Officer at Enago

Dr. KK is an orthopedic surgeon by qualification with 15+ years of experience in academic publishing under various roles, including manuscript editing, manuscript writing, editor training, author education, language technology solutions, and innovation. As an editor/writer, he has helped hundreds of authors/researchers publish their research in leading journals worldwide. Being passionate about science communication and teaching, he has conducted several interactive training programs and author workshops. These included touring workshops in India and internationally along with online workshops in collaboration with universities and publishers. With his background in academia, experience in science communication experience, and affinity towards technological solutions, he plays a role as a consultant in integration of new technologies to publishing platforms and for designing customized publication solutions for institutions and publishers.

Session Agenda

In pursuit of academic excellence and scholarly success, Enago is glad to announce a workshop series designed to empower the researchers of Chiang Mai University with crucial skills to thrive in today’s academic landscape.

1. How to Use AI Tools to Improve Your Academic Writing: Best practices to follow

AI has already transformed the world of academic discourse. From refining academic text to generating novel research ideas, AI has become a powerful ally for researchers and authors, promising increased productivity and efficiency. However, effectively leveraging AI requires following certain best practices. With this session, researchers will gain valuable insights into the following:

  • AI’s rising role in academic writing workflows
  • Recommended AI applications for research and writing
  • Benefits of AI tools and related challenges
  • Best practices for using AI tools in academic writing
  • Concerns related to AI tools and their responsible applications

2. Top 10 Tips for Avoiding Journal Rejection

Every researcher aims to publish their work in established peer-reviewed scientific journals. However, publishing is no easy task, and manuscript rejection is a common occurrence in scholarly publishing. For a smoother publication journey, researchers must ensure that their manuscripts are well-structured and meet the high standards of academic writing before submission to an impactful journal. This session will help researchers improve their awareness about the peer review process, manuscript decisions, and common errors made by early-career researchers leading to rejection. Researchers will learn:

  • How to conduct a robust literature review
  • How to write each section of the manuscript
  • How to present research data effectively
  • Acknowledging sources properly
  • How to ensure research reproducibility
  • How to ensure fluency, clarity, and readability
  • Importance of editing and proofreading
  • Peer review process
  • How to address reviewer comments and make an effective appeal upon rejection

3. How to Handle Journal Rejection — Converting a Failure into an Opportunity!

The second session is primarily targeted toward researchers who are aware of the overall publication process but face difficulty in handling rejections from journals. We will discuss how researchers should have a positive approach to rejection such as opting for ways to improve the manuscript based on reviewer comments and alternative routes to publication. Researchers will learn:

  • Types of rejection: Desk rejection, Rejection post the review process
  • How to read a rejection letter and decide further course of action
  • How to deal with desk-rejections
  • Commonly cited reasons in rejection letters post peer review
  • Appeals and rebuttals
  • Effective tips for revising and resubmitting your manuscript

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