How to Achieve Impactful Research Publications

Session Agenda

High-quality publications are critical for scientific advancement as well as for researchers to gain recognition in academia. Enago in collaboration with Kasetsart University conducted an interactive webinar series for researchers to share effective guidelines for preparing well-structured and plagiarism-free manuscripts. This webinar also discusses practical tips on how authors can make a significant research impact.


1. How to Boost Citations — Tips for Researchers


In today’s academic world, it is as important for researchers to promote their research as it is to publish it in a good journal. The number of times a work is cited indicates its impact on the field. An increase in the citation count undoubtedly has a positive impact on a researcher’s career because universities and funding agencies often look at the number of publications and the citation count jointly, when making tenure and grant decisions. It is also important for the editors to boost citations of the articles published in their journals to maximize the reach of their journals. Through our first session, researchers will have an improved understanding of the following:

  • Importance of acknowledging the sources in the manuscript
  • Understanding the significance of research promotion
  • Awareness of various strategies to boost citations
  • Effective use of academic and social media networks for endorsing an article
  • Measuring the impact of the applied promotion strategy

2. How to Avoid Plagiarism and Ensure Reproducibility


At all career stages and in every sphere of their research, researchers need to maintain ethical conduct. Ethical issues such as plagiarism, research fraud, undisclosed competing interests, etc., can not only threaten the integrity of science but also the reputation of the researchers in the scientific community by attracting discredit. An understanding of the ethical guidelines is paramount to ensure that researchers are accountable for the quality and integrity of their work. The second session is primarily targeted to help researchers overcome sensitive and challenging ethical dilemmas in research and publication.

Researchers will learn:

  • Importance of research and publication ethics
  • Improved understanding of major ethical issues in research
  • Tips for researchers to avoid research misconduct
  • How to draft a plagiarism-free manuscript
  • How to increase the reproducibility of research
  • Legal consequences of violating intellectual property rights

Who should attend this session?

  • Master's Student
  • Ph.D. Student
  • Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Established Researcher /li>

About the Speaker

Despina Sanoudou, Ph.D. (Cambridge), FACMG, Professor at the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

An established researcher, public speaker, and published author, Dr. Sanoudou is an award-winning medical researcher with over 130 publications in renowned scientific journals and books, an H-index of 43, and over 6,200 citations. She is the Head of the Clinical Genomics and Pharmacogenomics Unit at the 4th Department of Internal Medicine and collaborating Faculty at the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens. Dr. Sanoudou received her Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge and served as Faculty at the Harvard Medical School. She has also worked as a coordinator for an international genomics/pharmacogenomics program and as a fellow with Genzyme and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She has received more than 20 competitive research grants from international or national organizations. As a Publication and Training Consultant with Enago Academy, she conducts webinars and workshops to help researchers understand the nuances of academic writing and publishing. To date, Dr. Sanoudou has presented at >400 national and international meetings, served as a peer reviewer for 50 international journals, and chaired several seminars. She is also on the editorial board of multiple international scientific journals.

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