Advance Your Health Sciences Research With Karger Publications

As an academic in health sciences, I’m constantly looking for good quality academic publishers. One of them is Karger Publications. I especially like their motto: “Connecting and Advancing Health Sciences”. They speak of great ideas as being a “spark” that matters and makes a difference. The aim of the publishing group is to spread this “spark” to the scientific and healthcare community. Their headquarters are based in Switzerland, but they can be found in 15 countries around the world, where they represent each continent. Their global presence makes connecting the biomedical world possible.
Are you a biomedical researcher planning to publish your research soon? Here we share the top 10 benefits of publishing your health science paper in a Karger publication, one of the world’s leading publishers of medical content.
Benefits of Publishing with Karger Publications
1. Reputable
Karger is an independent, family-run publisher that has been successful for 130 years. Four generations of the Karger family have passionately run this business since 1890. Karger journals cover just about the entire medical spectrum. In the first place, their collection boasts 80 subscription-based journals and more than 20 Open Access journals. They also have over 9,000 titles on their booklist. Besides this, they have high standards maintained through the peer-review process which is overseen by 200 editors-in-chief – who are affiliated to clinical research centers. Karger is constantly striving to evolve with the scientific community’s needs.
2. Effective Partnerships
Karger Publishers are innovative and creative. Their recent collaboration with Enago is one of many examples of their passion for publishing. Together with Enago, Karger understands healthcare research on a global level and aims to support and encourage authors with training, medical editing and journal selection. Both Karger and Enago are dedicated to publishing high quality content and aim to facilitate researchers with publication of their research.
3. Entire Medical Spectrum
Uniquely, a huge benefit of Karger Publications is that they cover clinical and scientific research areas in almost all disciplines of human healthcare. This, in turn, enables them to make relevant information from a broad range of medical and scientific research available to the scientific world. Furthermore, they recognize that some fields overlap and are always mindful of upcoming trends. For example, the kidneys are often affected in cardiovascular disease. To accommodate the multidisciplinary nature of this research, they started a new journal “Cardiorenal Medicine”.
4. Journal Scout Service
There are over a hundred journals to choose from in the Karger collection. Don’t worry, one of the ways Karger helps authors is with the Journal Scout service. Simply upload your abstract or short summary onto their website. Correspondingly, Karger’s machine intelligence and smart search technology will recommend a list of journals for you. Now you can research the short-list in detail before making your decision.
5. Extensive Journal Collection
As mentioned previously, the subject guide covers the medical spectrum broadly. The major subject areas include:
- Audiology and speech
- Cardiovascular system
- Dental medicine
- Dermatology
- Emergency medicine
- Endocrinology
- Gastroenterology
- Genetics
- General medicine
- Geriatrics and gerontology
- Immunology and allergy
- Nephrology
- Nutrition
- Neurology and Neuroscience
- Obstetrics and Cell Biology
- Psychiatry and Psychology
- Pharmacology
- Public Health
- Pneumology
- Surgery
The subject area range is represented by both the Open Access and Subscription based journals.
6. Karger Books
Karger Publishers also have a list of book, several of which are in series format as well. Their booklist of over 9,000 titles covers all disciplines of human medicine. In addition, approximately 50 new book titles are published each year. Karger books spread the “spark” of great ideas and latest developments in the clinical and research fields. They proudly state that Karger is the only publishing company to offer simultaneous extensive and current coverage of specialty areas such as retina and pediatric endocrinology. Through the books series, clinicians as well as researchers can have access to the latest developments in their field.
7. Strong Impact Factors
A media release by Karger Publishers last year (2019) explained how excited and proud they were that the impact factors of their journals had increased in many subject areas. They are, however, aware that the Science Citation Index is not always the best metric for all parties and actively participate in discussions on this subject.
8. Optimal Exposure
Karger ensures the content published in its journals is highly visible by indexing in all the leading databases. In fact, Karger uses the latest online features that enable easy access. As a matter of fact, just like the researchers, they want their articles to be found and used.
9. Care About Their Authors
Karger takes copyright and licensing very seriously. It is one of the features that makes them reputable. Gabriella Karger says that as medical publishers, Karger has a responsibility to inform authors of their rights.
Karger also understands how long it takes for research to be completed and written up. They realize that researchers need their work to be published quickly to advance their field and careers. However, they are also mindful of the time it takes to do things properly, correctly and ethically. This is particularly important when it comes to health sciences.
10. Curiosity and Passion
Karger keeps up with the times and the scientific world’s needs. This publishing group is curious about the evolution of knowledge dissemination and passionate about making a difference. Karger understands the power that connections have when it comes to solving problems. It takes interest in the way readers of their publications consume knowledge and make it matter in their field of work. Simultaneously, it strives to improve the process, without compromising on their high standards.
More Than Just Publishing
Karger Publishers do more than publish research. They disseminate relevant and up-to-date research that matters, to all parties in the healthcare field. In addition to the academic researchers, the list extends to clinicians and healthcare providers. According to Gabriella Karger, CEO of Karger:
“Managing knowledge is ever more important.”
Karger Publishers manage knowledge by collecting research, having it examined by independent experts and then making it accessible to the world. Their process ensures the research is credible.
Karger is also constantly working with partners to keep up and evolve with the research needs of the healthcare and scientific community. All the information you need to successfully submit your journal article to Karger is available on their website under “Authors” and “Submissions”. Go have a look and let us know if you would consider a Karger publication for your next article in the comments section below.