An Egg a Day Keeps the Cardiologist Away!

We all know the proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” However, researchers in China and UK have made a slight modification to the proverb, by replacing “apple” with “egg” and specifying the “doctor” as the “cardiologist.” According to them, having eggs in our diet may be helpful in keeping our heart healthy. They have discovered an association between egg consumption and coronary or cardiovascular diseases. From the data collected from the China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB), they have concluded that people who have at least one egg in their diet are at a lower risk of several cardiovascular diseases. This includes 26 % lower risk of hemorrhagic stroke, one of the most common cardiovascular diseases in China. Researchers feel that with this recent discovery, they will be able to lower the mortality due to cardiac diseases, especially in China.

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