An Insight Into Journal Editorial Processes

Session Agenda

Enago conducted an informative webinar in collaboration with Wageningen Academic Publishers—an independent STM publisher renowned for its work in the field of Life Sciences—which aimed at providing research scholars with an in-depth understanding of the editorial processes followed at different stages of publication of scientific articles. In this session, we discussed how a manuscript is handled by journal editors at the time of submission, after submission, during the peer review process, post-acceptance, and at the stage of final publication. Further, we also discussed how journals can help researchers in promoting their publications thereby increasing the visibility and reach.

Researchers will learn:

  • What happens after submission (pre-check by Academic Editor/Guest Editor, Editorial Board Member)?
  • What do Editors and Peer Reviewers look for?
  • Editorial Decisions and Decision Letters
  • How to make an effective appeal upon rejection
  • What happens after acceptance?
  • Publication and communication

About Wageningen Academic Publishers (

Wageningen Academic Publishers is an independent Dutch publisher based in Wageningen, The Netherlands, specializing in life sciences. They are located at the heart of the Wageningen University & Research, one of the world’s leading food and bio-based research centers. They publish scientific journals as well as books (monographs, textbooks, and proceedings).

Who should attend this session?

  • Graduate students
  • Early-stage researchers
  • Doctoral students
  • Postdoctoral students

About the Speaker

About the Speakers

Ms. Lindsay Zamponi, Editorial Services Expert

Lindsay is an editorial services expert and consultant with 30+ years of experience in the UK and US publishing industries. She has been involved with copyediting, proofreading, indexing and project management at all levels of editorial and production, and has held senior management positions at SAGE Publishing Ltd and Anness Publishing Ltd, as well as roles at Macmillan Publishers Ltd and R.R. Bowker. Currently, Lindsay runs her own editorial services management consultancy—Lindsay Zamponi Consultancy, which provides support to academic publishers, professional societies and other self-publishing organizations. At Enago, she is helping research scholars at various stages of their academic careers achieve their publication goals.

Ms. Renate C. Smallegange, Commissioning Editor at Wageningen Academic Publishers

Renate has a background in medical and veterinary entomology. After studying biology at Wageningen University, the Netherlands, she obtained her Ph.D. from Groningen University, the Netherlands, where she researched the response of the housefly to visual and olfactory stimuli. Subsequently, she worked for 10 years at the Laboratory of Entomology of Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands. Renate has (co-)authored 39 peer-reviewed journal articles and 8 book chapters. Since 2013, Renate is commissioning editor at Wageningen Academic Publishers, and managing editor of the Journal of Insects as Food and Feed. This peer-reviewed journal was initiated in 2014, and is currently in its 7th year. In 2020, the journal received its first Impact Factor of 3.197.

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