Articles Published:

Enago Academy
Enago Academy Writer

Surviving a Bad Peer Review

So the reviewers’ comments have come in and they aren’t good. Not terrible, but negative enough that the editor has requested a response before making a decision on publication. How to Respond? First of all put aside your ego. Read the…
. 2 mins read
Enago Academy
Enago Academy Writer

How to Promote My Research

Although scientists are generally willing to publish their research, they are often hesitant about promoting it. The attitude seems to be to let the publication do most of the talking and let word of mouth from fellow researchers do the…
. 2 mins read
Enago Academy
Enago Academy Writer

How to Defend a Dissertation

A candidate for an advanced degree must write up his research in a dissertation and then defend it orally before his committee. The dissertation defense comes after the long and laborious work of writing the dissertation and can be the…
. 2 mins read
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    Researchers' Poll

    In your opinion, what is the most effective way to improve integrity in the peer review process?