Articles Published:

Enago Academy
Enago Academy Writer

Should a Peer Reviewer Be Paid?

Should a Peer Reviewer Choose Honor above Money? The peer review process has always been considered to be a proud tradition in the academic community. Experienced and highly qualified academics and scientists take time away from their…
. 3 mins read
Enago Academy
Enago Academy Writer

Defining Your Research Problem

What is a Research Problem? The terms research question and research problem are used interchangeably to reference the problem or issue you intend to investigate and/or solve with your research study. From the perspective of the research…
. 3 mins read
Enago Academy
Enago Academy Writer

What Is Authorship Abuse in Research?

Publication at Any Price! As a doctoral graduate or junior researcher, publication is everything. Under constant pressure to "publish or perish,"  the perceived value of that recently completed thesis, dissertation, or research study is…
. 3 mins read
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    Researchers' Poll

    In your opinion, what is the most effective way to improve integrity in the peer review process?