Articles Published:

Enago Academy
Enago Academy Writer

4 Techniques for Efficient Data Aggregation

As the volume of published academic research material continues to grow, the prospects for new researchers looking to navigate through all of that data in order to compile a literature review or research proposal becomes evermore daunting.…
. 3 mins read
Enago Academy
Enago Academy Writer

Networking for Academics

Academics generally expect that they will be recognized and rewarded based on the merits of their work. But as the numbers of new PhDs continue to rise, for many of us, research alone will not be enough. Networking—face-to-face interaction…
. 2 mins read
Enago Academy
Enago Academy Writer

Salami Slicing in Research Publications

If you are a medical researcher investigating a drug’s effect on the body, after gathering data you have a choice: should you publish all the data and conclusions in one paper? Probably so, because of the inter-relation of the data and its…
. 2 mins read
Enago Academy
Enago Academy Writer

How to Find a Research Collaborator

It’s a Lot Like Dating You may not need to resort to or, but the process of finding a collaborator for your research study can be just as nerve racking. But to begin with, there’s no need to change your hairstyle,…
. 2 mins read
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    Researchers' Poll

    In your opinion, what is the most effective way to improve integrity in the peer review process?