Articles Published:

Enago Academy
Enago Academy Writer

Scholarly Insights on Academic Branding

“Branding is for Products, Not People!” Sound familiar? You have reached a point in your academic career where you have a solid body of work, a track record of well-received conference papers, one or two industry-standard books, and a…
. 3 mins read
Enago Academy
Enago Academy Writer

Academic Tenure — Its Pros and Cons

The Holy Grail of Academia Tenure is seen as having ‘made it’ as an academic — by virtue of experience, expertise, research and authorship. It can be a long journey, lasting up to a decade and sometimes longer, with specific expectations…
. 2 mins read
Enago Academy
Enago Academy Writer

Does Basic Research Have a Future?

What Constitutes Basic Research? Basic research (also described as fundamental or pure research) categorizes any study with the objective of deeper understanding of the fundamental aspects of a phenomenon, thereby contributing to the…
. 2 mins read
Enago Academy
Enago Academy Writer

How Disruptive is Open Access Publishing?

What is the Meaning of "Disruptive?" The literal definition of to disrupt is to “break apart, throw into disorder, or interrupt the normal progress or activity of something.” I would imagine that many publishers of traditional academic…
. 3 mins read
Enago Academy
Enago Academy Writer

When Does Fair Use Become Plagiarism?

What is Fair Use? The term “fair use” refers to the legal, ethical, and limited use of copyrighted material, with no requirement for the permission of the copyright holder. In fact, fair use of plagiarism represents a considerable…
. 2 mins read
Enago Academy
Enago Academy Writer

Has Research Become Too Competitive?

The Rise of Careerism Research scientists are supposed to look somewhat ‘nerdy’ in their lab coats and unfashionable glasses that they raise above their furrowed brows from time to time in order to rub the bloodshot eyes that are fatigued…
. 3 mins read
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    Researchers' Poll

    In your opinion, what is the most effective way to improve integrity in the peer review process?