Basic Research and Industrial Innovation in China

Basic Research, Industrial Innovation, Industrialization, China

Authors : Xielin Liu (University of Chine Academy of Sciences, China), Yubing He (Fuzhou University, China) and Peng Cheng (Beijing Forestry University, China)

Publisher : World Scientific

ISBN : 978-981-3235-58-8

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Chinese enterprises have relied on importing technology and imitation as their main technology strategies in the past. Based on analysis of cross-countries' case studies and the history of industrial innovation, the authors proposed the concept of industry-driven basic research and expounds the important role of scientific discovery in industrial technological innovation. They are convinced that both the government and enterprises should focus on industry-driven basic research in order to bridge the gap between the government's target and what enterprises actually do in China. The challenge remains to be seen if China can transform Science and technology investment into real industrial innovation capability.
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