Constable & Lim Colour Atlas Of Ophthalmology: Sixth Edition

Lens, Glaucoma, Ocular, Refractive, Opthalmic Drugs, Visual Acuity, Corneal, Macular

Authors : Ian J Constable (University of Western Australia, Australia & Lion's Eye Institute, Australia), Tien Yin Wong (Singapore National Eye Centre, Singapore & National University Hospital, Singapore & National University of Singapore, Singapore) and Vignesh Raja (Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Australia)

Publisher : World Scientific

ISBN : 978-981-3236-61-5 (Hardcover), 978-981-3237-29-2 (Softcover)

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In the 6th edition of this Colour Atlas of Ophthalmology, all the chapters have been comprehensively updated to incorporate the latest advances in the understanding, diagnosis, investigations and treatment of ocular diseases. This edition has new chapters on glaucoma, trauma, global blindness with major revisions of chapters particularly cornea, cataract and retina. Photographs and images have been updated to reflect the progress in imaging systems and new diagnostic modalities. The electronic version of this book also includes short videos of common surgeries in ophthalmology. With more than 300 high quality pictures and concise text, this book will be an excellent reference for medical students, general practitioners, optometrists, paramedical personnel and community ophthalmic assistants to help understand and treat common eye diseases.
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