Encyclopedia Of Thermal Packaging, Set 3: Thermal Packaging Applications (A 3-volume Set)

Thermal Packaging, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering, System Engineering, Thermal and Mechanical Properties, Silicon, Semiconductors, Solders, Attach Materials, Substrates, Thermal Interface Materials, Heat Sink Materials, Phase Change Materials, Avionics, Radar, Active Electronically Scanned Arrays

Authors : Avram Bar-Cohen (University of Maryland, USA)

Publisher : World Scientific

ISBN : 978-981-3239-66-1

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Thermal and mechanical packaging — the enabling technologies for the physical implementation of electronic systems — are responsible for much of the progress in miniaturization, reliability, and functional density achieved by electronic, microelectronic, and nanoelectronic products during the past 50 years. The inherent inefficiency of electronic devices and their sensitivity to heat have placed thermal packaging on the critical path of nearly every product development effort in traditional, as well as emerging, electronic product categories.

Successful thermal packaging is the key differentiator in electronic products, as diverse as supercomputers and cell phones, and continues to be of pivotal importance in the refinement of traditional products and in the development of products for new applications. The Encyclopedia of Thermal Packaging, compiled in four multi-volume sets (Set 1: Thermal Packaging Techniques, Set 2: Thermal Packaging Tools, Set 3: Thermal Packaging Applications, and Set 4: Thermal Packaging Configurations) provides a comprehensive, one-stop treatment of the techniques, tools, applications, and configurations of electronic thermal packaging. Each of the author-written volumes presents the accumulated wisdom and shared perspectives of a few luminaries in the thermal management of electronics.

The four sets in the Encyclopedia of Thermal Packaging will provide the novice and student with a complete reference for a quick ascent on the thermal packaging "learning curve," the practitioner with a validated set of techniques and tools to face every challenge, and researchers with a clear definition of the state-of-the-art and emerging needs to guide their future efforts. This encyclopedia will, thus, be of great interest to packaging engineers, electronic product development engineers, and product managers, as well as to researchers in thermal management of electronic and photonic components and systems, and most beneficial to undergraduate and graduate students studying mechanical, electrical, and electronic engineering.
Dr Avram Bar-Cohen is an internationally recognized leader in energy science and technology, Life Fellow of IEEE, and an Honorary Member of ASME. He is currently serving as a Principal Engineering Fellow at Raytheon Corporation — Space and Airborne Systems. His publications, lectures, short courses, and research, as well as his US government and professional service in IEEE and ASME, have helped to create the scientific foundation for the thermal management of electronic components and systems. His current efforts focus on the system and thermal architecture of directed energy systems. He also continues to pursue and advocate for the emerging Gen3 Embedded Cooling paradigm for high heat flux electronic and photonic components in computational, RF, and laser systems.

Bar-Cohen is the first President of the newly-renamed IEEE Electronic Packaging Society (2018–2019) and has earlier served several terms on the CPMT Board of Governors, represented the Society as a Distinguished Lecturer for more than 15 years, and is a past Editor-in-Chief of CPMT Transactions (1995–2005). In 2014 he was honored by IEEE with the prestigious EPS (then CPMT) Field Award and had earlier been recognized with the CPMT Society's Outstanding Sustained Technical Contributions Award (2002), the ITHERM Achievement Award (1998) and the THERMI Award (1997). Bar-Cohen has also received the Luikov Medal from the International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer in Turkey (2008), ASME's Heat Transfer Memorial Award (1999), Edwin F. Church Medal (1994), and Worcester Reed Warner Medal (1990). From 2010 to 2016, Bar-Cohen served as a Program Manager in the Microsystem Technology Office at the US Defense Advanced Projects Agency in Virginia. Earlier he served as the Chair of Mechanical Engineering and Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland and is currently on a leave-of-absence from that institution. From 1998 to 2001 he directed the University of Minnesota Center for the Development of Technological Leadership and held the Sweatt Chair in Technological Leadership.

He is a past member of ASME's Board on Professional Development and Board on Research and Technology Development, served a 3-year term as ASME VP of Research (1998–2000) and is also a past President of the Assembly of International Heat Transfer Conferences (2010–2014). Bar-Cohen is the Editor-in-Chief of the Encyclopedia of Thermal Packaging, co-editor-in-chief of the Encyclopedia of Packaging Materials, Processes, and Mechanics, the series editor-in-chief of the "World Scientific Series in Emerging Technology" and the co-series editor-in-chief of the "WSPC Series in Advanced Integration and Packaging" book series.

Bar-Cohen has co-authored Dielectric Liquid Cooling of Immersed Components (WSPC, 2013), Design and Analysis of Heat Sinks (Wiley, 1995), and Thermal Analysis and Control of Electronic Equipment (McGraw-Hill, 1983), and has edited/co-edited another 40 books in this field. He has also authored/co-authored more than 400 journal papers, refereed proceedings papers, and chapters in books and has delivered some 100 keynote, plenary and invited lectures at major technical conferences and institutions. He holds 8 US and 3 Japanese patents and has advised to completion more than 70 Masters and PhD students at the University of Maryland, the University of Minnesota, and the Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva, Israel.
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