Handbook of Polymer Tribology

Tribology, Polymer, Polymer Tribology, Friction, Wear, Lubrication, Bio-Tribology, Nanotribology

Authors : Sujeet Kumar Sinha (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India)

Publisher : World Scientific

ISBN : 978-981-3227-78-1

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"This handbook is a collection of authoritative information in the new and expanding field of polymer tribology. It brings together various research topics in the field of polymer tribology in a single volume, and provides relevant data in polymer tribology for research and industrial applications.

The book's chapters are written by active, world-renowned researchers in the field. Subjects covered in this book range from the fundamentals of polymer tribology to highly applied topics such as machine element design (bearing and gears), hip prosthetic and microsystems applications.

Readers in the field of tribology, in general, and polymer tribology, in particular, will find it very useful as it covers nearly all aspects of polymer tribology. Academics creating new courses based on polymer tribology will also find this book's comprehensive coverage valuable. Researchers will find this book a ready source of the state-of-the-art in the field of polymer tribology."
Prof. Sujeet Kumar Sinha earned his Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India, in 1991, and his PhD from Imperial College London, UK, in 1994. He is presently Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India. Prior to this, he worked as a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the National University of Singapore from 2001–2012. His research interests include tribology of microsystems, polymer tribology and bio-tribology. He has published over 115 journal papers, 22 book chapters and approximately 60 conference papers. He has also edited three research books and two special issues of Tribology International in the field of tribology. In 2004 and 2008, he co-chaired/chaired two international conferences. He is presently on the editorial board of three tribology-related international journals.
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