A Lady Mathematician in this Strange Universe: Memoirs

Authors : Yvonne Choquet–Bruhat (University Pierre et Marie Curie, France & French Academy of Sciences, France & American Academy of Arts and Sciences, USA)

Publisher : World Scientific

ISBN : 978-981-3231-62-7

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In A Lady Mathematician, the distinguished mathematician and physicist, Yvonne Choquet–Bruhat, at the urging of her children, recounts and reflects upon various key events and people from her life — first childhood memories of France, then schooling, followed by graduate studies, and finally her continuous research in the mathematics of General Relativity and other fundamental physical fields. She recalls conversations, collaborations and even arguments shared with many great scientists, including her experiences with Albert Einstein. She also describes some of her numerous trips around the world, spurred by a passion for travel, beauty and mathematics. At once reflective, enlightening and bittersweet, this book allows readers a look into the life and thought processes of an esteemed female academic.
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