Marketing Manipulation: A Consumer’s Survival Manual

Authors : Michael Kamins (Claremont College, USA)

Publisher : World Scientific

ISBN : 978-981-3234-70-3

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Marketing Manipulation deals with the tactics and strategies used by marketers that prey on human cognitive, social and memory based biases ultimately influencing consumer behavior in their favor.

Kamins focuses on examples from academic research where consumers have been found to be susceptible to bias and therefore have made less than optimal purchase decisions. Particularly, academic research in the area of Pricing, Product, Promotion, Sales and marketing research. Written in an accessible manner, this book puts the consumer (you!) in the center and aims to helps making all of us a better decision maker when confronted with a range of stimuli in a marketing environment.
Michael A Kamins is currently a Professor of Marketing at the Peter F Drucker School of Management at Claremont College. He was previously a Professor of Marketing, Area Head and Director of Research at Stony Brook University (SUNY) at the Harriman College of Business. He also taught for 25 years at the University of Southern California as well as at the Bernard M Baruch College of the City of New York (CUNY) and New York University.
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