Micro-Nano Technology XVII–XVIII

Authors : Zheng You (Tsinghua University, China)

Publisher : World Scientific

ISBN : 978-981-3232-79-2

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This book collects selected papers from the 17th and 18th Annual Conference of the Chinese Society of Micro/Nano Technology (CSMNT2015 and CSMNT2016).

The papers cover various fields, like Micro/Nano Transducer/Robot, Microfluidic Devices and Systems, Micro/Nano Fabrication & Measurement Technologies, Microfluidics and Nano Fluids, Nano Material Research/Nanotube/Nanowire Devices, MEMS/NENS and Applications, Nanometer Biological/Nano Medicine, Packaging Technology. All the papers are written by Chinese researchers. From this book, you can have an overview of research of MEMS and nano technology in China. The reader can be researchers, graduate students, and engineers who are working in the field of MEMS and nano technology.
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Buy this book, http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/10784, 9655, false


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