Multilateral Approach in China’s Foreign Policy

Authors : Joseph Yu-Shek Cheng

Publisher : World Scientific

ISBN : 978-981-3221-10-9

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Since the mid-1990s, the Chinese authorities have gradually come to embrace multilateralism to realize their basic foreign policy objectives in maintaining a peaceful international environment and enhancing China's international status and influence. This embrace is largely based on pragmatic considerations. There is no denial, however, that elements of liberalism and constructivism gradually enter into the considerations of Chinese leaders. They accept, for example, that non-traditional security issues can only be tackled through genuine multilateralism. This volume carefully examines China's increased participation in multilateral organizations and mechanisms and its efforts to initiate and develop its own discourses on global affairs straddling Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the Latin American continents. China's presence in international multilateral organizations has been providing developing countries a better chance to maintain a balance of power. Since China has no ambitious plan to transform the existing international order, its increasing enthusiastic engagement of multilateralism is likely to be accepted by the international community.
Joseph Yu-shek Cheng was Chair Professor of Political Science and Coordinator of the Contemporary China Research Project, City University of Hong Kong until June 2015. He is the founding editor of the Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences and The Journal of Comparative Asian Development. He has published widely on the political development in China and Hong Kong, Chinese foreign policy and local government in southern China. He has authored two books China's Foreign Policy: Challenges and Prospects, China's Japan Policy — Adjusting to New Challenges and edited a volume on Global China: Internal and External Reaches with Pak Nung Wong. He served as convenor of the Alliance for True Democracy in Hong Kong 2003–2004.
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