Order, Disorder and Criticality: Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory (Volume 5)

Authors : Yurij Holovatch (National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine)

Publisher : World Scientific

ISBN : 978-981-3232-09-9

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This book is the fifth volume of papers on advanced problems of phase transitions and critical phenomena, the first four volumes appeared in 2004, 2007, 2012, and 2015. It aims to compile reviews in those aspects of criticality and related subjects that are of current interest. The seven chapters discuss criticality of complex systems, where the new, emergent properties appear via collective behaviour of simple elements. Since all complex systems involve cooperative behaviour between many interconnected components, the field of phase transitions and critical phenomena provides a very natural conceptual and methodological framework for their study.

As the first four volumes, this book is based on the review lectures that were given in Lviv (Ukraine) at the "Ising lectures" — a traditional annual workshop on phase transitions and critical phenomena which aims to bring together scientists working in the field of phase transitions with university students and those who are interested in the subject.
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