Public–Private Relationships in Trade Policy-making

Authors : Hyun-jung Je (Korea International Trade Association, Korea)

Publisher : World Scientific

ISBN : 978-981-3237-67-4

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In an ever more globalized and pluralized world, more attention is paid to engaging private parties in the process of trade policy-making, as non-state actors are often directly affected by trade policy shaped by governments. However, despite growing interest in this issue, there has been a relative lack of academic research on public–private relationships in trade policy-making under any kind of framework.

The book, Public–Private Relationships in Trade Policy-making, proposes an analytical framework to examine various levels of public engagement, both in the international and national arena. By analyzing the WTO at the international level, and the US, EU, and Korea at the national level based on the author's proposed framework, this book goes beyond a mere descriptive approach to public engagement in trade policy-making to offer meaningful implications for policymakers in developing countries, which are increasingly acknowledging the importance of public–private relationships in the field of trade.
Dr Hyun-Jung Je works as Deputy General Manager at the Korea International Trade Association (KITA). She advises and provides support for Korean businesses that are involved in trade remedy cases, and organizes the Trade Industry Forum, a public–private consultation mechanism that connects Korean policymakers and trading companies. She previously worked at the Institute for International Trade (IIT), the research branch of KITA, where she conducted in-depth studies on Korea's trade and free trade agreements. She took part in trade negotiations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade from 2016 to 2018, during which Korea concluded a free trade agreement with the US. She was also involved in the negotiations on goods for the Korea–Canada FTA, as well as the Korea–India FTA.

In recognition of her illustrious career and achievements, she has received awards from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea in 2008 and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea in 2013. Dr Je holds a PhD in International Studies (major in international commerce) and a Master's degree in International Relations from Seoul National University.
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