Singapore Perspectives 2018: Together

Singapore Perspectives 2018, Institute of Policy Studies, Ageing Population, Intergenerational Compact, National Reserves, Immigration, Age-Friendly, Ageism

Authors : Christopher Gee (Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore), Yvonne Arivalagan (Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore) and Fengqing Chao (Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore)

Publisher : World Scientific

ISBN : 978-981-3276-25-3

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Singaporeans enjoy one of the longest lifespans in the world today. Singapore is also one of the most rapidly ageing societies in the world. Given these population trends, business and workers, individuals and families will experience significant changes in the way they work, play and organise their lives together.

This book is a collection of speeches presented at Singapore Perspectives 2018 by leading thought leaders and eminent speakers on how our economic, political and social institutions can best adapt to and manage a rapidly ageing population. Contributors to this book tackle the urgent need to shape mind-sets, policies and decisions today for the best outcomes for current and future generations.
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