Completed your research experiments and collated your results? Does it feel like you have crossed a major hurdle in your research journey? No, not even close! What lies next is —…
With an aim to understand, analyze, and draw conclusions based on the enormous data often presented in complex formats, it is imperative to validate it statistically. In research,…
Remember that impending feeling you get when you are asked to analyze your data! Now that you have all the required raw data, you need to statistically prove your hypothesis.…
As an early career academic, getting your first scientific manuscript published is a crucial milestone. However, the process of learning how to write your first manuscript,…
How can science go wrong? This thought often comes to researchers. When you discuss with your PI about designing an experiment, and your PI informs you about how replicating the…
If we are all asked to narrate how school life is, we all would probably have the same answer— “No free time!”. This isn’t a surprise to us; we all know how hectic academia can…
Having to write a scientific article usually requires very good focus and research. It demands that you put in all your concentration to deliver a top-notch job. It is never a time…
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“….. and what do you think about it?” asked one of the researchers on the review panel. Stumped…
‘Tis the season!—to be grateful to survive the ravaging aftermath that 2020 brought. After grappling with the global COVID-19 pandemic, who’d have imagined any good news coming out…
Research conduction is not just limited to your laboratory, library, or work place setting. As part of your research you may have to step out in the field (any place other than…
Scholarly publishing forms an integral part of research communication. Hence, after having spent endless hours in research conduction, you must plan on publishing it. There’s an…