Language & Grammar

Easy-to-understand guidelines on academic language & grammar

How to Use Synonyms Effectively in Sentence? — A way to avoid plagiarism!

Do you remember those school days when memorizing synonyms and antonyms played a major role…

Best Plagiarism Checker Tool for Researchers

While common writing issues like language enhancement, punctuation errors, grammatical errors, etc. can be dealt…

Language as Bridge, Not a Barrier: ESL researchers’ path to successful research and publishing

The landscape of academic research has witnessed a remarkable shift in recent years with the…

Punctuate With Precision: Learn how to correctly use the em dash and en dash

In writing, every mark has a purpose and every pause holds potential. Punctuation is a…

Effective Writing Skills — Parallelism and its importance in academic writing

When Charles Dickens wrote the opening sentence to A Tale of Two Cities — “It was…

What Makes Thesis Statement Spectacular? — 5 things to know

What Is a Thesis Statement? A thesis statement is a declarative sentence that states the…

Affect Vs. Effect — Which one to use when? Know the difference!

Oh! How did I make such a silly blunder! That too in a research article…

Punctuation Rules: Do They Really Matter?

Can you imagine a world without punctuation it does not seem to be a big…

Trinka vs. Leading Grammar Checker Tools

In 2020, there is no shortage of online grammar checkers for general English but rarely…

Noun Stacks: Why You Should Avoid It in Scientific Writing

When we write, we want to be understood. Good writing should be clear and concise.…

How to Avoid Run-on Sentences in Academic Writing

When writing a paper, are you more focused on ideas or writing style? For most…

How to Improve Your Academic Writing Using Language Corpora

No matter how brilliant a researcher you are, you must be able to write about…