This guest post is drafted by an expert team from Wiley. Wiley is one of the world’s leading providers of online resources covering scientific, medical, technical, social and…
This is a guest post drafted by the expert team at AuthorCafé, a unique platform designed exclusively for academics wherein they can write, collaborate, and communicate their…
Can you imagine a world without punctuation it does not seem to be a big deal does it people cannot imagine a world without Netflix Instagram Wi-Fi or Smartphones but it would…
In Part I of this series, the concept of 'study designs' was introduced and the important terminologies were discussed. In this article, we look at the strategy to choose the…
In scientific and medical research, transparency and accuracy are vital. They boost the usability, reliability, and impact of research findings. High-quality reporting is paramount…
The current COVID-19 pandemic is in the spotlight. Funding cuts due to the global crisis has affected medical research areas such as cancer, dementia, and cardiovascular diseases.…
In the past, authorship lacked a clear set of guidelines and sometimes excluded individuals who had contributed to a paper. The hierarchy of first author, second author, and…
In 2020, there is no shortage of online grammar checkers for general English but rarely does one find a tool that focuses on academic English writing, technical terminology,…
As a researcher, writing reports and articles is a big part of your job. Academics and scientists everywhere spend the majority of their time either doing research or writing about…
The current coronavirus pandemic required a swift response from authorities in an effort to manage the spread of the virus. Lockdown in many countries was enforced quickly to try…
When we write, we want to be understood. Good writing should be clear and concise. The reader should not be left struggling to understand what they have just read. This is…
“Getting rejections from top tier journals is very frustrating because publication is key to getting your findings known, as well as for obtaining grants,” says Yvonne…