Writing an academic biography is part of many academic activities. Whether your paper is accepted in a journal or you’re asked to present your findings at a conference, you will be…
There are several tools available to help you plan your research project. They help you organize your thoughts and create a research plan against a timeline. One such tool is…
Most of the work published today is interdisciplinary and international, involving authors from different research areas and locations. In recent years, the cloud-based authoring…
RefWorks, founded in 2001, provides web-based research management service for corporate, academic, and government organizations. Currently, RefWorks is used by over 900…
Scientists and academics seek to advance knowledge by using data to argue a point. Indeed, academic writing often seeks to express a perspective and to support it with evidence.…
DOI (digital object identifier) is an identification code for a journal article or other published works. The code was developed and introduced in 2000 by the International DOI…
The word metrics means “measurement.” In the academic publishing industry, we measure the impact of published research based on various metrics. For example, we look at how many…
In the world of book publishing, it is difficult enough for known authors to get their books published, but even harder for researchers. After all, a dissertation comprises…
We see them often in text, usually in parentheses, and we can usually figure out the context from the text before them, but what do those letters mean? The abbreviation “e.g.”…
When scientists conduct experiments, they want to be able to gauge how results are predicted—their simple hypothesis. More specifically, they study conditions that will test what…
It is important for researchers to decide the type of research article they are going to write and publish. The paper you write will depend mainly on the type of study conducted.…
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to ensuring that your manuscript can be found using search engines such as Google or Pubmed. After all, you’ve spent a lot of time on your…