The knowledge of syntactical rules is important if we wish to form correct sentences that appropriately convey a given idea. An elliptical construction is one in which a word or…
Due to its diverse influences, the English language is full of seemingly illogical constructions and rules. However, correct usage of language should be an editor’s forte and…
All languages evolve over time, both through internal developments and through interactions with many other languages. English is Germanic in its roots and was established by the…
In written communication, consistency can be defined as the orderly presentation of a set of linked/associated elements in the text. These elements can be considered to be linked…
In academic writing (or in writing in general), wordiness is hardly next to Godliness. Writers often tend to express themselves in a convoluted manner using weak words that fail to…
Although research would significantly benefit from clear and direct writing, it often becomes crucial to adhere to a certain style of writing, in this case academic style, which…
Why is Punctuation Important?
Writing formally in English is more than just choosing the right words in the right order.
Using punctuation in your writing helps the reader to…
In our last post, we talked about the purpose and criteria of journals. Here we will discuss the actual preparation of the manuscript, rightly called "Manuscript Preparation." We…
Most journals list the scope and audience of the journal on their homepage itself, and that’s the page most authors visit when first perusing a journal. However, authors must…
In our last article, we covered all points related to writing the best first draft of an abstract and following the “avoid” checklist. Now, let’s move on to next step, where we’ll…
What is an Abstract in a Research Paper?
An abstract is a self-contained, short, and powerful statement that covers the main points of a piece of writing. Unlike executive…
While prepositions are limited in number, they are important because they act as vital markers to the structure of a sentence; they mark special relationships between persons,…