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Career Corner

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Tips for Handling Galley Proofs

Reviewing “galley proof” involves the final proofreading of accepted manuscripts by authors prior to journal publication. Scrutinizing galley proofs carefully ensures error-free…

Discussion Vs. Conclusion

A well-organized manuscript generally follows the IMRaD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) format to convey the relevant information to the target audience. The…

Annex Vs. Appendix

Journals or funding organizations may require authors to submit supporting documents along with their manuscript or grant proposal. These supplemental documents fall under the…

How to Make Popular Research Videos

Summarizing your research into an engaging and easy-to-understand video is an effective way of sharing/promoting research. Gaining popularity among academics and general public…
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    Researchers' Poll

    In your opinion, what is the most effective way to improve integrity in the peer review process?