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결과, 토론, 결론 — 주요 차이점과 작성 팁

각 섹션의 목적과 중요성 각 섹션의 핵심 요소 논문 작성 시 피해야 할 일반적인 실수…

Methionine Addiction: The Fundamental Hallmark of Cancer

What is the Hoffman Effect? Methionine addiction mechanism Role of transmethylation Dietary methionine restriction


出席すべき学会の見極め方 オンライン学会発表準備の原則と戦略 質疑応答を切り抜けるコツ オンラインでの人脈づくりのヒント

Cómo mantener la productividad de la investigación en medio de una pandemia mundial: consejos para investigadores

Escenario actual de las publicaciones científicas Consejos para sustentar su investigación Manteniéndo los estándares éticos…

Resultados, discusión y conclusión

Propósito de cada sección Elementos clave de cada sección Errores comunes a evitar al escribir…

A Crash Course on Biostatistics | Part II

Clinical Study Designs Hypothesis Testing P-value Approach (Probability Testing) Types of Errors

Plan S: A Revolution in Open Access Publishing

Open Access Publishing Introduction to cOAlition S and Plan S Principles, Aims, and Scope of…

How to Write Persuasive Academic Book Proposal

Elements of a book proposal How to find the right publisher Proposal Submission guidelines Open…

Panel Discussion: How Are Publishers Building Trust in the Peer Review System?

Reviewers selection criteria Major issues in peer review Fake peer reviews Challenges faced during the…

A Guide to Academic Book Writing and Publishing

Types of academic books How to write a compelling book How to publish an edited…

Publishing in Medicine — Tips to Avoid Common Pitfalls

A strong basis: Know your literature A robust study design High-quality statistics Handling peer review…

Open Science: Accountability, Integrity, and Reproducibility in Scholarly Research

Open Science – The Future of Science Open Access Publishing Open Repositories and Preprints Open…