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How to Avoid Fraudulent Image Manipulation

What is image manipulation? Best practices for image processing Avoiding image manipulation Tools for detecting…

Getting Your Manuscript Edited by Professional Editors — Why Is It Beneficial?

Reasons for Desk Rejection Common Mistakes Made by ESL Authors Editing vs. Proofreading Benefits of…

A Researcher’s Guide to Preprints—Importance & Benefits to Authors

History of Preprints Benefits of Preprints Preprint Policies Future of Preprints

의학 출판—임상 사례 보고서(Clinical Case Reports) 작성

사례 보고서 출판 적합한 저널 모색 사례 보고서 구성 방법 사례 보고서의 출판 윤리

Ethical Considerations in Scholarly Publishing

Ethical Guidelines Most Common Ethical Violations Research Integrity Avoiding Ethical Dilemmas

How to Get Indexed in International Citation Databases

Why and what authors need to cite? Citation indexing and its significance Selection criteria of…


サプリメンタルデータの投稿 サプリメンタルデータの要件 発表・引用のコツ 具体的な投稿手順

Cómo redactar una subvención de un millón de dólares

Elegir entre subvenciones y becas de investigación Identificación de los organismos de financiación Selección de…

Una guía para publicar con éxito en revistas científicas de primer nivel

El panorama de la publicación científica Cómo elegir su revista objetivo Tipos de mala conducta…

탑 저널 출판을 위해 보충 자료(Supplementary Data) 제출하는 방법

보충 자료 제출 보충 자료가 갖추어야 할 사항 제시하고 인용하는 팁 저자들이 알아야 할 사항

How to Draft Million Dollar Grant

Grant or Fellowship Selecting the Funder Reading a Call Writing a Good Application


結果、考察、結論:目的と意義 各項目で特に大切な要素 各項目の執筆時におかしがちな間違いと避け方 各項目執筆時のコツ:書くことと書かないこと