Celebrating the Oceans on World Oceans Day

Conservation of the environment has always been the concern of scientists all over the world, in fact we celebrated the World Environment Day on June 5th.  However, we fail to talk about conserving the water bodies that are also an important component of the environment. Since today is the World Ocean’s Day, let’s take a moment to celebrate the oceans. Originally conceived as an idea of the Canadian Government at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, World Oceans Day has been organized by the Ocean Project group since 2002. The day gained official recognition from the UN General Assembly in 2008 and this gave a boost in raising the profile of the day and its goals. It is recognized as a celebration that intends to bring people and several organizations together across the globe in a series of events highlighting how we can all help conserve the oceans. Every year, keeping the theme in mind, people organize several activities in order to raise awareness about the crucial role oceans play. This year’s theme is ‘Gender and the Ocean’ and organizations all over the world have planned their activities all around it. Let us do our bit in keeping the oceans clean so that we have them left for many more such Ocean Days in the coming years!

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