Effective Tips and Tricks to Prepare a Publication-ready Manuscript

Session Agenda

Research publication and effective communication are critical for a successful career in academia and recognition amongst peers. For early-career researchers, it is paramount to have an in-depth understanding of the academic writing and publishing processes from the very beginning of their research career to avoid any pitfalls later. To facilitate the publication journey of research scholars from the Prince of Songkla University, Enago conducted an informative webinar. This session helped researchers prepare an error-free manuscript by increasing their awareness about the following:

  • Overview of medical publishing
  • Tips for conceptualizing your research study
  • Strategies for effectively communicating your research findings
  • Medical, publication, and research Ethics
  • Preparing and evaluating case reports

Who should attend this session?

  • Early-stage researchers
  • Medical researchers
  • Health professionals

About the Speaker

Despina Sanoudou, Ph.D. (Cambridge), FACMG (Harvard)

An established researcher, public speaker, and published author, Dr. Sanoudou is an award-winning medical researcher with 178 publications in renowned medical/biomedical journals. The impact of her work is demonstrated by the 4,981+ citations that she has to her credit. She is also the recipient of more than 20 research grants. Dr. Sanoudou has worked as a coordinator for an international genomics/pharmacogenomics program and as a fellow with Genzyme and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She was a post-doctoral fellow as well as an instructor at Harvard Medical School. As a Publication and Training Consultant with Enago Academy, she conducts webinars and workshops to help researchers understand the nuances of academic writing and publishing. To date, Dr. Sanoudou has attended >200 national and international conferences as an invited speaker, served as a peer reviewer for 41 international journals, and chaired several seminars. She is also on the editorial board of multiple international scientific journals.

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