Extending Author Learning Initiative to Turkey – I

Ankara, Turkey: Enago conducted a series of workshops along with Thomson Reuters, Institute of Electricals and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and ULAKBIM in May 2015. Enago participated in these workshops, which were focused toward helping ESL researchers gain valuable insights into the international publishing process, to help researchers understand how rejection from international journals can be avoided. The overall purpose of these workshops was to increase the awareness among researchers about the various developments in the publishing industry, thus helping to bridge the gap between research and publication for ESL authors.


Turkey-1To date, Enago has provided assistance in the publication of more than 585,000 manuscripts from researchers across the world. In addition to offering editing and publication support services, Enago is now investing significant efforts to increase the number of workshops to reach out to authors requiring guidance on how to improve their chances of publication in international peer-reviewed journals.


Turkey-2The workshop, entitled “Training Workshops for Editors and Authors,” was conducted at Dicle University, Diyarbakır, and Karadeniz Technical University (KTÜ), Trabzon, along with Thomson Reuters and IEEE. It was organized by ULAKBIM, a wing of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). Dr. Metin Tunç (Istanbul University) conducted the workshop, which covered topics such as criteria for acceptance in international journals, structuring of manuscripts, common mistakes made by authors while writing in English, and dealing with journal rejection. Early-stage researchers, first-time authors, and and other professionals from ULAKBIM attended the workshop.

These workshops are the latest in a series of author learning initiatives conducted by Enago to augment its award-winning editing and publication support services. We now intend to increase the reach of Enago’s workshops across ESL countries and help disseminate knowledge about the publishing industry among ESL researchers. Based on the response to this initiative, we will soon be conducting more workshops in Turkey in the coming months.



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