Tips on Overcoming Journal Rejection – An Interactive Workshop for Korean Researchers

Gyeongbuk, South Korea: To fulfill its mission of helping bridge the gap faced by ESL authors between research and publication, Enago recently conducted a workshop entitled “Dealing with Journal Rejection” at the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) in Gyeongbuk, Korea. Enago, which offers world-renowned editing and publication support services to ESL authors, has increased its efforts to conduct similar workshops across ESL countries. The aim of such workshops is to introduce ESL researchers at different career levels to the various aspects of publication in international peer-reviewed journals.

KoreaThe attendees for the workshop included a mix of experienced researchers, early-stage researchers, and graduate students. The speaker for the workshop was Dr. Hyeon Soo Kim, Vice Dean of Korea University’s College of Medicine in Seoul. In his academic career, Dr. Kim has published more than 60 articles in distinguished journals such as Scientific Reports, PLoS ONE, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Molecular Endocrinology and others. He has also been awarded the “Excellent Young Scientist Award” at the scientific meeting of the Korean Society for Cell biology. In addition to providing an introduction to academic publishing and the peer review process, Dr. Kim discussed how researchers should deal with journal rejection and the various steps they should take to avoid rejection. In particular, the workshop focused on the causes of rejection, processing rejection letters, responding to reviewer comments, and overcoming rejection. The session concluded with a 30-minute Q&A session between Dr. Kim and the participants.

“We are aware that there are many ESL researchers who will benefit by understanding the overall process of publication and this should help them improve their chance of publication. Workshops such as these are part of Enago’s initiative to reach out to authors in ESL countries,” said Pranjal Thapliyal, Country Manager, Crimson Interactive Korea. “Our workshops allow authors to interact directly with experts in the field who provide invaluable insight into the various stages of the process. This effort to help authors cross the language barrier perfectly complements our award-winning editorial and publication support services for authors. We look forward to further developing this initiative to provide similar opportunities to researchers in various corners of the globe.”



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