Enago launches Open Access Journal Finder (OAJF) – Improving Accessibility of Authentic Open Access Journals

New York: Enago, the leader in editing and publication support services, today announced the worldwide release of Open Access Journal Finder (OAJF) that aims at enabling research scholars to find open access journals relevant to their manuscript. OAJF uses a validated journal index provided by Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) – the most trusted non-predatory open access journal directory. The free journal finder indexes over 10,700 pre-vetted journals and allows researchers to compare their paper with over 2.7 million articles and counting. Seeing the positive response in the initial pilot stage, OAJF has also been rolled out in languages other than English, primarily Chinese, Japanese, and Korean..

Sharad Mittal, CEO, Enago said, “Open access means critical academic advances and breakthrough scientific theories are accessible globally and instantly.” Commenting on the launch, he added, “Countless predatory journals have slipped into the scholarly landscape, diluting the manuscripts of scholars with misleading findings. OAJF promotes research integrity by enabling accessibility to open access publishing environment that is free from predatory journals.”

Researchers looking for open access journals can now simply add their research abstract and OAJF will make use of advanced search algorithm to deliver contextual search results sorted by relevance. In its search results, the tool displays vital journal details to the scholars including publisher details, peer review process, confidence index (indicates similarity between matching keywords in the published articles across all journals indexed by DOAJ), and publication speed. The dynamic platform also lets scholars filter search results based on preferences such as peer review process and approval of journals, among others.

Sharad expressed his enthusiasm, “We are thrilled, and expect thousands of our scholarly authors to widely benefit from this open access movement.” Researchers can now find relevant research literature from multiple disciplines, and explore publication details from one convenient place without any fear of data privacy. Open access journals on OAJF are indexed from publishers ranging from 120+ countries globally. The publications cover all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and humanities. Sharad concluded, “OAJF’s mission to increase the ease of accessing open access journals is based on a true vision of creating a useful, fairer and transparent research environment for scholars.”

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