2015 CSE Annual Meeting: Enago Publishes CSE Conference Report in ESE

Enago embarks on knowledge dissemination initiative by publishing the report of the 2015 CSE Annual Meeting in European Science Editing

New York, USAEnago recently published a report of its experiences at the Council of Science Editors’ (CSE) annual conference. The summary, authored by Enago’s Technical Expert, Dr. Krishna Kumar Venkitachalam, appeared in the November edition of the European Association of Science Editors’ (EASE) quarterly journal, European Science Editing (ESE).

ESE publishes articles of interest to EASE’s members that cover all aspects of scientific editing and publishing. In addition to event highlights, the peer-reviewed journal includes research articles, essays and viewpoints, book and website reviews, as well as resources, and publications relevant to science editors.

CSE, founded in 1957, is on a mission is to be an authoritative resource on current and emerging issues in the communication of scientific information. Its conference serves as a key meeting ground for hundreds of professionals engaged in editing and publishing scientific papers. The theme of this year’s annual conference, held in Philadelphia during May 15–18, was “Dynamic Variables: Solving the New Editing/Publishing Equations.” This focus was, according to Krishna, “wisely chosen to reflect the changing nature of the global editing/publishing industry.” His report, aided by Anupama Kapadia, Senior Manager, Editorial Operations, of Enago’s parent company, Crimson Interactive, outlines the takeaways from the keynote and plenary speeches, as well as key insights gained from eight sessions that Krishna personally attended, of the total 32 concurrent sessions.

Enago itself moderated the panel “Self-Publishing or Contract Publishing: Understanding the Advantages.” The speakers, Audra E. Cox (American Society for Investigative Pathology), Cara Kaufman (Kaufman Wills Fusting & Company), Judie Lieu (The Gerontological Society of America), and Ann Murphy (AlphaMed), discussed the various aspects of these current publishing models, including their advantages and potential disadvantages. Attendees came away from the session with a better understanding as to which might work best for particular situations.

“Enago is an editing company that has been in the business for 10 years, so I felt it was time for us to experience the publishing process as an author,” said Krishna while talking about the impetus to publish the CSE conference impressions in ESE. “Yes, we work with hundreds of experienced authors across the world who have been published in the highest-rated international peer-reviewed publications, but this was Enago’s first foray into publishing as an organization to extend our own process of learning. We plan to up our efforts in knowledge dissemination through articles and reports like these.” Regarding his publishing experience, Krishna shared, “The EASE coordinator was more than helpful in guiding me through my first submission process. The waiting period was longer than expected, and this being my first time, I experienced the same jitters regarding rejection that every author probably feels. The ultimate high was receiving a notification from EASE that the November issue is out. When I opened it, there it was!” He continued, “EASE’s mission to improve global standards, and to raise the profile of science editors and support their professional development makes us, here at Enago, feel at home. I also look forward to participating in CSE’s next annual meeting in Denver next May.”

About Enago

Enago is the flagship brand of Crimson Interactive Inc., an award-winning language solutions company that serves academia and industry through three main entities: Enago (English Editing and Publication Support), Ulatus (Translation), and Voxtab (Transcription). Enago employs one of the market’s largest team of editors (850+) who are proven language and subject-matter experts in more than 1,100 disciplines. To date, the company’s talented pool of specialists has helped more than 81,000 authors share their research in the most impactful journals across the globe. Crimson has a local presence in Japan, China, Taiwan, Turkey, Korea, Brazil, Germany, Russia, India, and the United States.

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