Future of Peer Review in Research Publishing: Navigating possibilities and challenges

Session Agenda

As the scientific community continues to evolve, so does the way we evaluate and disseminate knowledge. The “Future of Peer Review in Research Publishing” panel discussion, hosted by Enago together with Charlesworth Author Services as part of Peer Review Week 2023, invites you to delve into the innovative strategies and emerging technologies that are shaping the future of peer review.

This interactive session brings together experts at the forefront of academia, publishing, and technology to dissect the present and future dynamics of peer review. Our panelists will explore the sustainability of the current peer review models, delving into the intricacies of their operational frameworks, the challenges they face in a rapidly evolving research landscape, and the strategies they offer to adapt and thrive. Through insightful discussions, real-world examples, and personal perspectives, we will uncover the strategies for efficiency enhancement, the role of open peer review and pre-prints in accelerating evaluations, and the transformative impact of AI integration. Engage with our panelists, ask probing questions, and enrich your understanding of the evolving peer review paradigm. Join us in crafting a future that fosters efficient, equitable, and quality-driven research dissemination.

The discussion will primarily focus on the following points:

  • Sustainability of open peer review models
    • Addressing transparency, collaboration, and quality control
    • Advances in pre-print peer review
  • Integration of new technologies in traditional peer review
  • Potential uses of AI tools for peer review
  • Potential ethical challenges associated with AI integration
  • Responsible use of AI in the peer reviewing sphere
    • How AI support and human reviewers’ expertise enhance the peer review process
    • Exploration of the balance between automated processes and the valuable insights that human reviewers provide
    • Responsibility of authors, reviewers, editors, and publishers in detecting and disclosing AI-generated content
    • Tips for new reviewers

Who should attend this session?

  • Peer reviewers
  • Journal editors
  • Journal publishers
  • Early-stage researchers
  • Doctoral students
  • Postdoctoral researchers

About the Speaker

Kim Eggleton

A proud member of the publishing industry for nearly 20 years, Kim has worked in editorial roles across social sciences and STM, most recently specializing in issues around peer review, DEI and research integrity. Kim is a COPE Council member, a founding member of the Joint Commitment for action on inclusion and diversity in publishing, and participates in many cross-functional working groups including the STM integrity hub and C4DISC.

Laura Wilson

Head of Research Integrity & Ethics at Taylor & Francis

Laura Wilson is Head of Research Integrity & Ethics at the Taylor & Francis group (Journals); Laura has worked in the journals publishing industry for the past 13 years, and has previously served as a board member for the International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical publishers (STM), as well as a council member for the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Elizabeth Moylan

Publisher, Research Integrity and Publishing Ethics at Wiley

Elizabeth Moylan drives projects in open research and related policy. She also works closely with colleagues in Wiley’s Integrity in Publishing Group, providing support on research integrity and publishing ethics issues. She is an Editorial Board Member for Research Integrity & Peer Review and is an Advisory Board Member for two EU-funded projects ‘EnTIRE‘ and ‘Virt2ue’ that aim to support researchers in upholding and practicing the principles of research integrity. Elizabeth completed her PhD and post-doctoral training at the University of Oxford, UK.

Anupama Kapadia

Science Communication Expert and Editor-in-Chief at Enago Academy

Anupama is a licensed specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Orthopedics) by qualification and a scholarly publishing professional by vocation. She has been working in and around the editorial paradigm for 15+ years now and is actively mentoring and training academic professionals in the writing and editing fields. To date, she has led several projects related to fulfilling newer requirements of clients and publishers by enhancing the editorial, peer review systems, and author services of Enago. She is a member of renowned scholarly associations such as COPE, ISMTE, and EASE, which focus on increasing professional networking within the scholarly publishing community and help establish best practices amongst publishers and journals. She is also a volunteer in the different committees of ISMTE and EASE.

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