Graphical Abstract Vs. Video Abstract-Which Is Better?

With scientific journals’ migration to digital platforms, accessing scientific literature has become easier than ever. Online platforms are easily accessible to readers. However, reviewing every article is difficult to find relevant information. Thus, reading the abstract saves time and effort of all. Evolving through conventional textual abstracts, publishers have begun to explore new ways of displaying abstracts on digital platforms. These new formats majorly include graphical and video abstracts. However, authors find it difficult to choose between the two. Here we lay facts and feature of both as—Graphical Abstract Vs. Video Abstract to help you make a better decision and increase your research impact.

What Is a Graphical Abstract?

Considered as one of the most extensively used formats among the new-age abstracts, a graphical abstract represents the findings of an article in a single image. It allows easy comprehension and also conveys relevant information to the reader.

What Is the Purpose of Graphical Abstracts?

  • It helps readers understand the article and assess its relevance to their research work.
  • It saves time and allows easy comprehension without having to examine the complete article.
  • Gives a clear overview of the research and its important findings at a glance.

What Are the Types of Graphical Abstracts?

There are three types of graphical abstracts that are most effective for communicating scientific research and increasing its impact:

1. Flow Diagrams

    • Flow diagrams use simple shapes such as squares, arrows, and crosses to describe the process.
    • It indicates methodology, results, and the impact of the experimental variable in an easy to understand format.

2. Visual Systems Models

    • The visual system models do not include the exact experiments performed.
    • It focuses on the bigger picture.

3. Visual Representations

    • These are infographic or comic representations of specific experiments and variables of our study while being generic.
    • It allows you to add personality to your abstract.

How to Create a Graphical Abstract?

Graphical Abstract

What Is a Video Abstract?

Created with an aim to highlight the important aspects and findings of a published research study, video abstracts are made as short multimedia motion pictures. In video abstracts, researchers can emphasize on key findings in the form of a video including graphics, recorded video footage, or even a PowerPoint presentation.

What Is the Purpose of Video Abstracts?

  • Helps promote the highlights of your study.
  • It allows researchers to quickly ascertain the purpose and results of a given research.
  • Lets researchers add their narrative to the research study.

What Are the Types of Video Abstracts?

Video abstracts can be created in multiple format as given below:

1. Whiteboard Explainer Videos

Whiteboard explainer videos are used to explain concepts with the help of drawing diagrams on a whiteboard and explain them.

2. Animations

Animations are used to explain certain working concepts or phenomena. Furthermore, using animated or stationary image illustrations allow simple and clear understanding of complex methodologies.

3. Motion Graphics

Using motion in an animation enhances the quality of your video abstract and facilitates better explaining of concepts in a creative manner. Researchers also use comical moving illustrations, caricatures, or working models of an experiment.

4. PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint presentations can also be used to explain your research abstract using visually appealing designs and formats. It is important to focus on the narrative rather than just listing out the facts of your research.

5. Self-recording/Author-talking Videos

Self-recording video abstracts refer to the author talking about their research work, key findings, conclusions, and results in front of a camera.

How to Create a Video Abstract?

Video Abstract

Graphical Abstract Vs. Video Abstract

graphical abstract vs video abstract

So how do you plan to present your researchgraphical abstract vs video abstract? However, it majorly depends on the journal guidelines. Although these abstracts may appear to be extra work, it’s only about transitioning all the information that you have in a creative and visually appealing manner. So use a software and create a graphical, visual, or better—both kinds and increase the research impact of your study.

1 Comment
  1. Anonymous says

    Nice article with information loaded.

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