How a Toilet Seat Plays a Role in the Diagnosis of Cardiac Disorders?

Did you know that a mere toilet seat you used might be indicating a cardiac disorder as severe as congested heart failure? Statistics reveal that congestive heart failure is one of the disorders that affect about 1 million people every year. Keeping this in mind, a team of researchers at Rochester Institute of Technology have designed toilet seats that can actually indicate the condition of your heart and detect any abnormalities in its functioning. The toilet seats were designed by the company formed by the researchers, named Heart Health Intelligence. According to the researchers, the toilet seats are equipped to measure the electrical and mechanical activity of the heart. These seats can also monitor heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygenation levels, and the patient’s weight and stroke volume. Using algorithms that can analyze these data, the patients might get notified of a deteriorating condition. A report will be passed along to the cardiologists as well, who will then determine if intervention is necessary. The team is currently involved in acquiring the clearance from FDA and releasing the product in the market.

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