How to Avoid Rejections Due to Language Mistakes

Session Agenda

Desk rejection due to poor language is a critical impediment to successful publication in established journals. Authors must ensure that each section of their manuscript has excellent readability and clarity with minimum or no inconsistency. To simplify the manuscript preparation process, Enago in collaboration with the German Scholars Organisation—an independent non-profit organization empowering researchers for more than 17 years—conducted an insightful webinar. The session focused on sharing practical tips with researchers to improve their academic writing skills and help them understand the importance of editing and proofreading before submission. Further, Dr. Anne Schreiter (Executive Director, German Scholars Organization) explained how researchers can build a prolific career in Germany.

Researchers will learn:

  • Overview of common language and grammar mistakes made by ESL researchers
  • Importance of good English writing skills—fluency, clarity, and readability
  • Application of English grammar in academic writing
  • Importance of high-level academic editing by professional editors
  • How Enago services can help researchers polish their manuscript and submit it successfully?
  • An interview with Anne Schreiter

Who should attend this session?

  • ESL researchers
  • Graduate students
  • Doctoral students
  • Postdoctoral students

About the Speaker

About the Speakers

Dr. Anne Schreiter, Executive Director, German Scholars Organization

Anne is Executive Director of the German Scholars Organization (GSO). She has studied Social and Business Communications and Sociology in Berlin and Chinese Language in Nanjing, China. After receiving her Ph.D. in Organizational Sociology from the University of St. Gallen, she spent a year as a postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley, USA. Five years ago she transitioned from academia to the nonprofit sector.

Tony O’Rourke, Vice-President, Partnerships at Enago

Tony has more than 30 years of experience in the scientific, technical, and medical (STM) publishing/scholarly communication sector. He graduated from one of Germany’s leading business schools, Fachhochschule Reutlingen and Middlesex University. Since graduating, he has established himself in professional publishing, having held senior roles at IOP Publishing and Royal College of Nursing (RCNi). At Enago, he is Vice President responsible for partnerships with publishers, professional societies and higher education organizations, making high-quality author services and knowledge/education services easily accessible for researchers and authors as well as launching AI products for use in scientific writing. Tony has served on the Council and Board of ALPSP (Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers) and on the Serial Publishers Executive of the Publishers Association (UK).

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