Know More About SciCrunch and RRIDs: An Interview With Dr. Anita Bandrowski

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About Anita Bandrowski

Dr. Anita Bandrowski is the founder and CEO of SciCrunch, a data sharing and display platform designed for dynamic data. This platform allows communities of researchers to create their own portals and provide access to resources, databases, and other tools that are relevant to their research. Anita is currently the Project Lead at the Centre for Research in Biological Systems at the University of California, San Diego. Along with SciCrunch, she is the scientific curator and project lead for the Neuroscience Information Framework, which maintains the largest searchable collection of neuroscience data and biomedical resources. Anita has also worked on other significant projects like the Antibody Registry and the Research Resource Identification Initiative. She is also a published author with publications in journals like Nature Methods, Neuron, and Immunology.

About the Interview

In this interview, Anita shares her thought about SciCrunch as well as RRID, which is a key initiative that is helping researchers cite the key resources that have been used for producing scientific findings in biomedical literature. She also talks about the current challenges encountered by authors and journals in ensuring scientific reproducibility and shares some solutions to mitigate this issue.

We also discuss the importance of RRIDs and the methods by which researchers can raise awareness about procuring an RRID. She also discusses the importance of reproducibility in academic research and highlights how journals, publishers, and funding agencies are requiring strict adherence to reproducibility guidelines.

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