Enago’s Global Study on Understanding the Impact of Article Processing Charges on Open Access Publishing

Open access (OA) publishing emerged as a response to the high cost and limited accessibility of traditional subscription-based academic journals. The Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) in 2002 advocated for a more inclusive and transparent publishing system. OA publishing aims to address issues of access, equity, and the quality of peer review. However, the use of article processing charges (APCs) can create financial barriers and raise concerns about commercialization.
To explore these issues, Enago conducted a survey titled “Awareness About Funding Opportunities for Research and Open Access Publishing and Perceived Attitude towards the ‘Pay-to-Publish’ Model” in English, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean languages, collecting responses from over 395 participants in 400 universities and 60 countries.
The comprehensive report elucidating the prevailing trends based on the collated responses is releasing soon!
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The survey aimed to understand perspectives on funding opportunities, the “Pay-to-Publish” model, and the challenges associated with OA publishing. The survey encompassed diverse stakeholders within the scholarly community, including researchers, authors, journal editors, and publishers. Primarily, our aim was to gather the multifaceted viewpoints pertaining to the serious issue of Article Processing Charges (APCs). Additionally, we aimed to determine the potential alternatives that could foster a more equitable research and publishing ecosystem. We also investigated whether a complete abolition of APCs or the implementation of a gradual submission fee model would better incentivize participation and ensure long-term sustainability.
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