A Comprehensive Global Examination of Open Access Awareness, Attitudes, and Funding in Scholarly Publishing

The global proliferation of open-access (OA) publishing stands as a pivotal focus for researchers, institutions, and funders alike. Through our 5th global Research Risk Assessment survey, we aimed to unveil nuanced observations and insights from researchers, institutions, and publishers, shedding light on the current state of OA awareness, attitudes toward Article Processing Charges (APCs), and perceptions about funding opportunities.

A striking revelation from our survey is the enduring lack of awareness regarding open science, coupled with a discernible reluctance toward its adoption, primarily stemming from the perceived financial burden. Despite the scholarly community’s acknowledgment of open science as the future of scholarly communication, certain stakeholders within the research and publishing domain remain uninformed or hesitant to embrace this transformative shift.

The report confronts concerns related to the escalating costs of APCs, including potential geographical disparities, a potential shift towards subscription-based publishing, and authors gravitating towards lower-quality, predatory journals with lower APCs. Moreover, our findings underscore a significant gap in researcher awareness concerning the availability of public and private funding for APC payments, as well as best practices for securing such grants.

Get your hands on the comprehensive data reports here, based on specific objectives:

Objective 1- Perceived Impact and Influence of Open Access Amongst Researchers

Objective 2- Attitude Toward Article Processing Charges in Open Access Publishing

Objective 3- Awareness About Research and Open Access Publication Funding

Want to get access to the executive report with summarized findings? click here.

This report serves as a catalyst for change in the landscape of scholarly communication, urging stakeholders to reevaluate their perspectives on open access, APCs, and funding access. As we unveil the intricacies of the current state of affairs, we invite researchers, institutions, and publishers to join us in fostering a global conversation that transcends boundaries and bridges gaps in understanding.

The journey doesn’t end here. Enago Academy remains committed to driving positive transformations in the scholarly community. Our commitment to conducting comprehensive surveys on a global scale persists, as we strive to be at the forefront of spreading awareness and addressing the challenges faced by researchers and institutions.

We encourage you to actively engage in this ongoing dialogue, sharing your insights, experiences, and innovative solutions. Together, let us shape the future of scholarly publishing, ensuring that open access remains a beacon of knowledge, accessible to all. Join Enago Academy on this journey of continuous improvement and collaboration, as we work towards a more inclusive, informed, and equitable scholarly ecosystem.

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