International Open Access Week 2022 — Change the world through openness!

The International Open Access Week 2022 is fast approaching and the scientific community yet again gathers in high spirit to engage in the celebration. Open access week is an opportunity to openly discuss the importance and need for openness in research and findings for a global reach in sharing and disseminating knowledge. Every year, open access week announces a theme to host and discuss matters around the theme. This year’s theme “Open for Climate Justice” will bring the scientific community together to ponder upon the immediate actions to be taken for dealing with climate crisis.
Open Access — Need of the Hour!
Research since ages has strongly believed in sharing knowledge, so as to cater to the needs of mankind. The fundamental morals of scientific research rely on uniqueness and openness of research. Although, there has been great progress in unique and one of a kind research studies in the history, but there still is a power imbalance in research communities failing to produce, disseminate, and utilize the knowledge freely through interdisciplinary departments.
This shortcoming could play a colossal impact on addressing climate change, unless dealt with early. The open access week this year majorly focuses on encouraging connection and collaboration among the climate movement and the international open community to restore climate justice. As the theme suggests, sharing knowledge is a human right and dealing with climate crisis needs rapid exchange of knowledge across the disciplinary boundaries, now more than ever!
Sharing Research Knowledge
International Open Access Week 2022 encourages using openness as a default for research. A great move towards reliable, sustainable and dynamic research. The week will commence from October 24th through the 30th. It is an occasion for the scholarly community to join together and take action, and raise awareness for open access research publishing.
Enago takes pride in being a part and supporter of this year’s theme. And in the light of this week, has planned numerous activities to celebrate the Open Access Week 2022. These activities of OAW 2022 will assist researchers across the globe to understand the urgency and necessity in embracing open access to sustain the future of our globe!
Let’s take this opportunity to learn, educate, collaborate, discuss, and motivate the scientific research community towards “Open for Climate Change”!
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