After Blood and Sperm, Here Comes Stool Donation
Blood donation is common, but have you heard of stool donation? Well, the chances are less as it is not a very common phenomenon. Researchers at the University of Alabama recently arranged an event, named Digestive Disease Week, wherein…
Unlike Dogs, Cats Love Sweets!
You might refrain from carbs, but your pet cat might not agree! Yes, you read that correctly. Researchers at Oregon State University have recently discovered that unlike humans, cats tend to go for carbs. On the other hand, dogs prefer to…
These Insects Beat the Heat With Foam!
How do you plan to beat the heat this summer? Well, some pests have different plans for this summer. They plan to produce foam that can insulate them from the heat! Recently, researchers from Brazil have discovered this pest in sugarcane…
NIH’s Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00)
It is important for postdoctoral researchers to acquire important skills and appropriate training to transition into independent faculty members. The NIH’s Pathway to Independence (K99/R00) program is designed to mentor outstanding…
Reporting Statistical Results in Your Manuscript
Reporting key findings and statistical results is important to validate/support your hypothesis. These results help readers understand the correlation between (and significance of) different variables involved in the study. The statistics…