The time between submitting your paper and receiving the referee report is filled with apprehension and expectations. Understand the considerations used by journals in putting together a referee report for a manuscript.
Peer Review can be a puzzling and often frustrating process for researchers, even experienced ones. Know about the evaluation criteria used by journals in putting together a review for a manuscript.
Slides are an Option, Not a Requirement
For anyone whose workweek includes one or more meetings or the infamous ‘town hall’ presentations, the prospect of yet another PowerPoint slide presentation is enough to generate much eye-rolling and…
Revising the content according to the feedback received is vital for inclusion of the research paper in Journals. This document offers some tips about the process to be followed when revising a paper.
The first Apple Macintosh, which celebrated its 30th birthday in 2014, came with 128KB (0.13MB) of memory!
Today, we buy laptops and external hard drives with 1Terabyte (1,024GB) of memory as we move forward to even larger memory…
In today’s scientific landscape, the number of times a study is cited makes considerable difference to the significance of the study and the reputation of authors themselves. The funds and grants given to researchers are distributed/awarded…
London, UK: Enago recently attended the renowned London Book Fair at the Olympia Conference Center in West Kensington, London. The fair, now in its 45th year, showcased a fantastic line-up of industry experts and provided researchers and…
In Search of Freedom!
We’ve been using keyboards since Christopher Latham Stoles developed the first QWERTY design for the typewriter in 1872, but it took another century before Douglas Engelbart and Bill English patented the first…
Serving Two Masters
Which elements should be considered as a metric for performance as a good peer reviewer? If we look at the process from the perspective of the manuscript, a good peer review would be considered to be thorough, accurate…